Monday, August 3, 2009

Embracing Uncertainty

I've been thinking about what to write for the last few days. I feel like Billy Crystal in Throw Momma from the Train. You know the scenes where Larry struggles to find the perfect opening sentence for his book. It's the classic writer's block which results in a pile of crumbled up papers. Here we are a spiritual community with a new blog, an open forum to create whatever we dream or envision.  The possibilities are endless, yet I ponder. "What do I write? What will this page look like? I don't know. Maybe I should do.... How do make this a paragraph? I don't know what I'm doing." Hmmm, Maybe it's appropriate that this blog is so stark white.

Before the Beginning: Getting Started
- Lao Tzu adapted by Pamela K. Metz

"To create is to struggle with the empty spaces
of the canvas,
the blank page,
or the void of the empty stage.

To live is to do the same.

Before the shape takes form, there is nothingness.
There must be nothingness before the beginning.

Before the beginning is prologue:
all that has come before."

I let the anxiety and struggle go, and just be with the uncertainty.

I remind myself that with this emptiness is the greatest potential for new possibilities. Though we see a landscape of snow and bare trees, new growth is just stirring beneath us. It is inevitable, as certain as the sun rising tomorrow morning. We glory in the days of a completed project or a reached goal though they will soon come to an end.  New life stirs within us and will be birthed in time. It is in this quiet stillness that we can hear the voice of Spirit.

Be still and know that I am God.

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